A Basic Guide on How to Create a Workout Routine

Do you want to achieve a sustainable workout routine? According to statistics, only 23 percent of adults regularly exercise in the United States.

If you want to join that percent of those that work out, we created a guide on how to create a workout routine. We understand that working out can be intimidating, but you are taking the first step. Continue reading more about how a workout routine can improve your health and well-being.

How to Create a Workout Routine

In preparation to create the best workout routine, you need to consider several things. Ask yourself these questions when developing the routine:

  • What are your goals?
  • What is your experience level?
  • Do you have any health or body limitations?

Answering these questions honestly will allow you to create a realistic and sustainable workout routine. This will also help keep you safe during the exercises because you won’t push your body past the breaking point.

To have a well-rounded workout routine, there are several exercise types you need to include. These can advance your health and overall well-being.


Often overlooked, flexibility exercises are crucial to include in a workout routine. The benefit of exercising flexibility is that it can improve mobility. Mobility will increase your range of motion for other types of exercises.

It can also reduce the chances of getting cramps and strains in your muscles. Remember you want to strengthen, not damage your body. Flexibility exercises are a great preventative tool to save your body from serious injuries.


Some of the best workout routines include cardio because they recognize the benefits it has to the body. Cardio allows the body to build up endurance since it strengthens the muscles of your heart.

Another benefit of adding cardio exercises to your routine is that you can do them anywhere. If you’re intimidated by the gym, start looking for a Stairmaster for sale near you. As long as you are persistent, you will get the same results despite the location.


There are many benefits to strength exercises, such as improving posture, lowering inflammation, and boosting your metabolism. Strength training exercises can tackle a variety of body goals.

The great aspect of strength exercises is that there are multiple intensity levels. If you want low-intensity strength options, try using resistance bands or body weight. Eventually, you can start working up to weights.


Believe it or not, rest is essential to include in your workout routine. You need time to recover between exercise sets. You additionally need to take rest days for your body’s well-being.

Exercising depletes our muscle’s glycogen levels, and if they are not replaced, you will experience fatigue and soreness. Listen to your body and respect its limits.

Learn More

We hope you learned more about how to create a workout routine. If you want to learn more, make sure you check out our blog. We post content regularly about health and fitness.

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