From Collars To Chewables: 5 Things You Should Get To Free Your Dogs From Flea And Ticks

If you’re like me and have a dog, you know that it’s not just about keeping them well-fed or taking them to the vet. You also must make sure they’re free from fleas and ticks. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reports fleas and ticks as the most common problems that dogs can get in America. 

Therefore, it’s important to be prepared when dealing with them. One way to do this is by using products that kill fleas and ticks on your dog’s body. Here are some of the best products you can use.


One of the easiest ways to keep your dog free of fleas and ticks is to use a collar. Flea and tick collars protect against both fleas and ticks. These collars are effective for up to 8 months, depending on the brand you purchase and how often you replace them. You’ll have to check these regularly because if the collar is old or damaged, it won’t be effective at defending your pet from these nasty parasites.

Some collars protect against fleas only. They don’t actually kill any insects themselves. Instead, they release chemicals that repel bugs from getting close enough for them to bite into your pet’s skin. These collars usually last about 4 months before needing replacement because after that time period, most fleas will develop immunity to certain materials used in making chewable collars.

Herbal collars are made using natural ingredients like cedarwood oil or citronella oil. This makes them safe choices if you’re worried about harmful chemicals being ingested by your dog. It also allows pets some relief from itching or biting sensations caused by bites or stings inflicted by ticks and fleas. 


Chewables, such as Credelio for dogs, are an easy way to prevent fleas and ticks from getting on your dog. They’re also a great option for dogs that don’t like wearing collars since you can give them chewable tablets without having to worry about getting the collar off. 

One of the best things about chewables is that they can be given to puppies as young as eight weeks of age. Credelio for dogs is one such chewable that is powerful yet gentle for young pups as well. You can start protecting your puppy from fleas and ticks when it’s still just a tiny little ball of fur with no teeth at all.

Chewables are an excellent choice for dogs with sensitive stomachs since there’s no risk of overdosing or side effects. Once you’ve given them their dose, you’re done. You won’t have any more problems with these bad bugs again until it’s time for another dose. 

Sprays, Shampoos, and Wipes

A flea and tick spray, shampoo, or wipe is an easy way to kill both fleas and ticks on your pet. These products are convenient because they can be used on the whole body or just in areas where fleas are present. You don’t need a prescription for these treatments, which means you can buy them online or at any pet store. 

The global pet grooming products market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 5.7% from 2019 to 2025. That means you won’t face any problem finding a product that best suits your dog’s skin type. The market is booming with variety. 

Most sprays, shampoos, and wipes contain insecticides that kill adult fleas and ticks but not their eggs or larvae. If you use one of these products regularly over time, it will keep new adult parasites from hatching. But If your dog has an allergic reaction to such treatment, stop using it right away and consult your veterinarian immediately.

Topical Drops

The best part of using topical drops is that they are easy to use. You can apply them directly to your dog’s skin, or you can mix them with your dog’s food. They’re easy to administer since all you have to do is squeeze a few drops onto your finger and rub them into your dog’s fur.

Unlike collars and chews, topical drops won’t pose any risk of choking or ingestion if your dog eats something else while wearing their flea medication. However, keep in mind that this type of medication does not last as long. It only protects against fleas for up to three months at a time. It’s important not just for dogs but also for cats who might have gotten fleas from other animals, such as mice or birds.

Spot-on Products

Spot-on products are easy to use. They are applied directly on the dog’s skin, where they dissolve into the pet’s bloodstream and kill fleas within 24 hours or ticks within 48 hours. This means that your dog will be free from fleas and ticks in no time at all.

Spot-on products are effective. When you purchase a spot-on product for your dog, make sure that it contains an ingredient called imidacloprid, which is an insecticide known for its effectiveness against fleas and ticks. The best part about these products is that they don’t contain chemicals that can cause irritation or allergies in your pets. 


Having fleas and ticks on your dog can be dangerous. If you want to protect your dog from getting fleas and ticks while still giving them some freedom, there are many products that you can use to free them from their confines. You just need to find the one that works best for you and your pet.

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