High Quality ARE Exam Study Material Available Online !

The ARE 5.0 Architecture exams for licensure on average take 2-3 years for young architectural designers to pass all 6 exams, therefore finding the best study material online is uber important. Since each exam costs over $220 to take and there are 6 of them, costs add up quickly so you want to pass on your first try.

ARE Exam Study

Designer Hacks

Another solid website for young Architects studying for their difficult 6 ARE exams !!

They offer an exam bundle for each of the 6 ARE exams for $39.00 each. Each of these has 3 exams worth of questions and seems to be user friendly.

Also mobile friendly !

Check their study material out !

They even have a Sketchup Tutorial page which is very unique for most Architecture exam websites. Sketchup can be difficult to use so this can be extremely helpful for young architects.

ARE Study Warrior

ARE Study Warrior

This is probably one of the best website platforms when it comes to ARE study material. It is just clean, easy to use, and you get to sample their study material before purchasing …. which honestly is huge because you then know what you are going to get !

They have Ninja study cards for each of the 6 exam divisions. You get 25 cards for free with each division, and then cost is $29.99/month for the full set of 200 + cards for each section. The Project Development & Documentation and Project Planning and Design division have over 400+ study cards each.

They also have a FREE details page where they show different important common details in black and white with red highlights.

Lastly, they have a Free Study Tips page with 12 unique tips for how to prep for the 6 Architect Exams for licensure.

Mobile friendly also.

Desk Crits

This website is very user friendly, and helpful for any architect looking to study for their ARE exams. These exams are not easy, therefore finding quality study material is important for everyone. Very clean and carefully cultivated website with high end images.

Deskcrits offers a study guide for $75.00 that seems to be quite valuable. However it is difficult to know because you can’t access a sample of this study guide. Therefore it is difficult to know what you are going to get for the $75.00 payment.

This website is run by two young architects it looks like and they even have a study tips and tricks page!

Well designed website overall.

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