Hurt in an Oil Rig Accident? Know Your Rights!

Recent reports reveal a chilling fact about offshore oil rig deaths. Fatalities in offshore accident incidents are significantly under reported.

From incomplete or missing data to loopholes, some deaths never make official reports. This skewed data gives workers a false sense of security. What’s more, the nature of these accidents leaves workers confused about their rights.

If you get involved in an oil rig accident, then you need to get informed. Your rights exist to protect you and help you recover from losses you endure in the course of your job.

Read on to empower yourself with more details on your rights after an oil rig disaster.

Right to Jones Act or LHWCA Benefits

Oil rig accident injuries can range from minor to fatal. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, you likely suffered losses.

First, you had to seek out medical care. That didn’t come for free! Then, you lost time off of work. Depending on your injuries, you might miss a lot of work in the future.

If your loved one passed on, then you’re facing a windfall of losses. From funeral costs to loss of support, you deserve recourse.

You have a right to certain benefits. The Jones Act and/or Longshore Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act apply. These two maritime laws protect oil rig workers.

Regular worker’s compensation doesn’t apply, but you have a right to benefits under these laws.

Right to Seek Out a Lawsuit

Of course, there are times when those two maritime laws won’t cover your losses in full.

If you accept benefits from the Jones Act, you’ll receive benefits until you reach maximum medical improvement status. This discharge might happen before you’re healed all the way.

If you find yourself in a similar position, then it’s best to consider a lawsuit.

You have a right to seek out a claim if another person’s negligence contributed to your accident.

Right to Legal Counsel

No matter your situation, you have a right to hire an attorney. Considering the complex nature of oil rig accidents, consulting with a lawyer is best.

An offshore injury lawyer specializes in maritime law. They’ll help you determine your best course of action moving forward. If you do have a case, then they’ll help you file your claim.

From there, you’ll collect evidence and negotiate with the other party. Your lawyer will ensure that any settlement you accept covers all your losses.

Coping With the Aftermath of an Oil Rig Accident

An oil rig accident is often very devastating both to workers and the environment at large. What’s more, explosions and a loss of life might lead to trauma for survivors.

If you feel like your losses are stacking up, then it’s wise to speak with an offshore injury lawyer. A good attorney will help you uphold your rights and get compensation.

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