NA vs AA: What’s the Difference and Which Is Right for You?

While most people are vaguely familiar with the idea that AA is a program aimed at getting people sober, relatively few Americans actually understand what NA is and does. NA, for the uninitiated, is one of several recovery programs under the umbrella of Narcotics Anonymous.

While many men and women live their lives making it work as an alcoholic, many more are introduced to drugs at some point. NA has programs specific to recovering from addiction to opiates and other drugs. NA is often less famous simply due to the immense popularity of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Rather than differing in terms of what the programs do, NA vs AA differ mainly in terms of philosophy and in terms of who they target–more on that below!

The History of NA vs AA

NA vs AA both offer support and guidance to those recovering from addiction, but they differ in a few key ways. NA is focused specifically on narcotics, while AA is focused on alcoholism. NA is also a bit more relaxed in terms of structure, while AA adheres to a more strict program.

How to Determine What You Need

The two main types of recovery groups for those struggling with addiction: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Both are peer-support groups that use the 12-step program. The right recovery group for you will depend on what specific kind of help you need.

Both groups can be extremely helpful in recovery, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for you. If you’re not sure which group to attend, you can always try both and see which one you connect with more.

The Pros and Cons

Aside from the 12 principles of AA, AA also incorporates the use of a Higher Power. NA meeting does not require its members to believe in a Higher Power, but many members do find comfort in a spiritual belief system.

There are pros and cons to both programs. Some people find AA to be too religious and prefer the secular approach of NA. Others find the structure and support of AA to be helpful in their recovery. It ultimately comes down to what works for the individual. There is no wrong answer, only what is best for you.

Making the Decision

When it comes to making the decision between NA vs AA, it is important to first understand the difference between the two. AA is a program specifically for those struggling with alcoholism, while NA is a program for those struggling with addiction in general.

There are many similarities between the two programs, but there are also some key differences. We have enumerated them in this article. Ultimately, the decision is always up to you. Choose the program that you connect with more.

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