Staying Green: Your All Season Lawn Care Guide

Since the 1800s, a luscious, well-kept lawn has been a sign of success, wealth, and taste.

A beautiful lawn takes all season lawn care work and maintenance. But seasonal lawn care isn’t a one size fits all seasons affair. You need to follow a strict schedule for different kinds of care depending on the season.

Follow this simple lawn maintenance calendar to stay on top of your lawn work this year.

Spring Lawn Care

With a few weeks left of spring, it’s not too late to do your spring lawn work to maintain a green lawn through the harsh, hot summer months.

You’ll need to remove the layer of slow growth that’s been accumulating on the top of your lawn first. Simply lower your mow deck, mow low, and bag the clippings.

Next, you’ll need to signal to your lawn that it’s time to wake up. Apply high-quality lawn food.

You can do some weeding, but try not to worry too much about them. Never expected ignoring weeds to be on a list of gardening tips? They’ll look more prominent during your grass’s slow growth phase, but before you know it, the grass will overpower most of the weeds.

Summer Lawn Care

Grass grows fast in the summer, which may make you want to mow low so that you can take more mowing breaks. Don’t make this common mistake! Your ground needs the grass to protect it (and the grass roots) from the heat.

Instead of mowing low in the summer, cut about one-third of your grass’s length each time you mow. You can leave the cuttings on the lawn this time. They’ll provide nutrients to the growing grass as they decompose.

Water your lawn deeply but infrequently and always in the early morning. If you water mid-day it will evaporate too quickly, and watering at night encourages fungus to grow.

Fall and Winter Lawn Care

As the weather cools down, your grass will begin to enter a new stage of its growth. It’s important to keep up your lawn maintenance during this time because your lawn will be fragile and needy. Taking care of your lawn in the fall and winter gives you the best chances of having a beautiful lawn return in the spring.

First of all, make sure that you regularly rake leaves off of your lawn during the fall. Leaves covering your grass can prevent it from getting the sunlight it needs to keep growing.

The fall is also a good time to place new sod. The increased rainfall and cooler temperatures will help it grow deep, strong roots. Go ahead and turn your sprinklers off if you’re getting more than an inch of rainwater a week.

Take this time to do any spot treatments from a professional lawn care service so that they don’t show up again in the spring. You can check this city page to see if we service your area.

All Season Lawn Care Made Simple

By following this calendar for all season lawn care, you can have a gorgeous lawn in the spring, summer, and fall and feel confident that it will thrive and survive the winter.

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