The Different Types of Implants Used in Breast Augmentation Surgery

Are you curious about the different types of implants used in breast augmentation?

In fact, breast augmentation surgery is very popular, as the industry will reach 2.25 billion dollars in 2022. Do you want to take part in this trend and get breast augmentation surgery? If so, you’ll want to learn about the different types of implants available.

Doing so can help you make an informed choice about the procedure. You’re probably still wondering about saline vs. silicone breast surgery. You’ll also want to know about biomaterials.

See below for a complete guide to implant types commonly used during breast augmentation surgery.

What Is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves the placement of implants to increase the size and fullness of the breasts. The surgery is normally performed using either saline or silicone implants, and the size of the implant will be based on the patient’s desired results.

Recovery from surgery typically takes around two weeks, and patients can expect to see a noticeable difference in the appearance of their breasts. You can try a breast lift by Dr. Wirth if you’re looking for a dependable and experienced plastic surgeon.

Saline Implant

Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and are the most common type of implant. They are less expensive than other types of implants and have a lower risk of capsule contracture, a complication that can occur when the scar tissue around the implant begins to harden and squeezes the implant.

However, saline implants can cause rippling or wrinkling of the skin and may require more frequent touch-ups than other types of implants.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are another choice of implants that are usually considered safe and effective, and they provide very natural-looking results. They’re made of silicone, which is a soft, pliable material that feels like human tissue. Silicone implants are available in different sizes, shapes, and textures.

The most common silicone implant is the round, smooth implant. However, they can sometimes cause rippling or other abnormalities in the breast, and they may require more frequent doctor visits to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Gummy Bear Implant

Gummy bear implants are filled with a cohesive gel that is thick and sticky. The gel stays in place and does not leak. This type of implant is less likely to ripple or fold.

Gummy bear implants come in different sizes, shapes, and textures.

Round Breast Implant

Another common breast augmentation surgery is the round breast implant. It is also the most popular type of implant used by women. This type of implant is available in different sizes and shapes.

It is also available in different colors. The round breast implant is made of silicone gel. It is safe and has a natural feeling.

Alternative Composite Implant

Alternative composite implants are typically made of a silicone outer shell filled with either saline or soybean oil. These implants tend to be less popular due to the potential for leaks and rupture.

However, they may be a good option for women who are looking for a more natural feel and appearance.

Choose the Best Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are many different types of implants and it is important that you know the common types for you to decide which one is the best. Some types of breast implants include saline, silicone, gummy bear, round breast, and alternative composite implant.

What are you waiting for? Choose the best breast implant for your breast augmentation surgery today!

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