Want to Share With Your Pup? Make Sure You Have These Foods Safe for Dogs

Americans sure love dogs. Almost 68% of households across the country own at least one pet, with many of those being dogs.

Since sharing food is sharing love, it’s only natural that pet owners love to share food with dogs. But it’s important to avoid dangerous foods for dogs, so you can keep your pooch healthy and happy. Many people don’t know exactly which foods are safe for dogs.

Wondering what foods can dogs eat? Read on for a list of yummy dog-safe foods you can share with your four-legged friend.


Dogs love to eat meat. You can try sharing all kinds of different varieties with them and your pooch will likely enjoy a taste of pork, beef, chicken, venison, and anything else you can think of.

Avoid fatty or salty meats. These can cause health problems if served excessively.

While most pups love to gnaw on a bone, it’s a bad idea to give these to your dog. Bones can break and cause a choking hazard or damage a dog’s mouth.

Veggies (Some of the Best Foods Safe for Dogs!)

Many dogs enjoy fresh vegetables as a supplement to their diet. And veggies can provide much needed vitamins and minerals that are often missing from a dog’s diet.

Broccoli, cucumber, green beans, spinach, and kale are all great for dogs. Try giving your pooch a little try from each meal and see which ones they like.

Celery is another great vegetable you can give your dog. It’s crunchy and can help clean teeth and freshen breath!

Avoid onions, leeks, and chives, which are all toxic to dogs.


Dogs can eat dairy too! Plain cheese is a delicious bite that you can safely share with your dog.

If you’re trying to fatten up a dog that’s underweight, cheese is often a great way of doing it. Be sure to only give cheese in moderation.

(Safe) Candies

Sharing candy with a dog might not sound like a sensible thing to do. But if your canine companion has ever looked up at you with those big, pleading eyes while you munch on your favorite snack, you might have found yourself asking a question like “can dogs eat marshmallows?”

Most types of candies are unsafe for dogs. They may contain dangerous sweeteners, corn syrup, chocolate, or other items that can be toxic to a dog.

If you do want to share sweet treats with your dog, vegan or homemade candies are often the way to go, since they lack many of these toxic ingredients. Check the label and ask your vet to be sure.

Gobble Up Some More Great Content

Dogs have strong stomachs and can handle most human foods. But it’s always worth being careful. Your furry friend will thank you for ensuring you avoid poisonous foods for dogs that could result in an emergency visit to the vet.

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