5 Necessary Things to Do Immediately After Passing Your Motorcycle Test

The life of a passionate motorcyclist is most certainly not solely connected to the bike itself but also to the motorcycling community and the associated lifestyle.

Now you have just passed your practical motorcycle driving test. Firstly you are to be congratulated, and secondly before you place just one tire on the road, there are five necessary tasks to complete first; continue reading to discover them.

1. Invest in Quality Clothing

As much as the right motorcycling gear is certainly a fashion statement, the importance of quality material and full coverage can never be understated.

Not only should the material and quality of your motorcycle leathers be as high as you can afford, but it is also important to ensure your clothing fits you properly and gives you security, and provides safety in all weathers and in the event that you come off your bike.

2. Comprehensive Insurance

Obviously, insurance is a legal requirement for your motorcycle, although it would be pertinent to point out that, in the case of your bike being declared off the road and not being in operation, you have the option to temporarily terminate your policy.

When looking into various insurance companies, it is strongly advisable that you choose a reputable and renowned insurance broker Ottawa, who will represent you and your best interests as a new motorcyclist.

3. Pay Attention to the Road Conditions

It is not only the difference between wet conditions and dry conditions that you need to be aware of as a new motorcyclist, but also if you are riding on loose chippings, gravel, or else riding on a road that involves numerous potholes.

Even if you know the route to a destination incredibly well and have traveled on the road many times, never be complacent and remember that road conditions can always change in a matter of minutes, never mind hours.

4. Always Make Yourself as Visible as Humanly Possible

As, not all, but a vast number of car drivers simply do not look to see if there could be a motorcycle at the side of them, let alone behind them, it is unfortunately up to you as the motorcyclist to pay close attention.

Learn to read the road and anticipate potential hazards even before they develop, and adjust your speed and angle accordingly. Always keep in the forefront of your mind that you must be as visible to pedestrians, car drivers, and other motorcyclists alike at all times and as much as possible.

5. Practice Braking Again & Again

By far, the most common motorcycling accident is when a car pulls out straight in front of you with no regard for you and your bike, and as you slam on your brakes, you fall over the front wheel as the wheel locks.

Obviously, because of the nature of a motorcycle, the brakes on a quality machine are incredibly sharp and responsible. However, it is still absolutely imperative that you practice braking in all weather conditions, so you never have any nasty surprises.

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