How Much Do Dogs Sleep?

Roughly 48 million American households have at least one dog.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a new puppy owner or a seasoned dog veteran. You might still have questions about how to care for them, such as “How much do dogs sleep?” or “How much sleep do dogs need?”

If these questions sound familiar to you, keep reading. Everything you need to know about dogs, dog sleep needs, and dog sleeping positions is explained below.

How Much Do Dogs Sleep?

“How many hours do dogs sleep?” is one of the most common questions from dog owners.

The short answer: It depends.

On average, dogs sleep about 10 to 12 hours per day. Puppies, older dogs, and large breeds (such as Great Danes) may sleep a lot more than this, though.

Dogs don’t often sleep for 10 to 12 hours straight (unlike humans, who get the majority of their sleep in one 7 to 9-hour stretch).

This is known as being a “polyphasic sleeper.” For dogs, the average sleep phase lasts about 45 minutes.

Signs a Dog Isn’t Sleeping Enough

If your dog isn’t getting enough sleep, you may notice some behavioral issues. They might be more prone to barking and whining, for example, or they might be more aggressive.

You can also get a sense of your dog’s sleep quality based on their sleep position.

If they’re lying on their stomach with their head on their paws, they’re probably resting rather than sleeping deeply. However, if they’re lying on their side with their legs extended or lying on their back, there’s a good chance they’re getting quality sleep.

How to Improve Dogs’ Sleep?

Think your dog could benefit from better sleep? There are a few different tactics you can try, including the following:

Establish a Routine

Dogs, like humans, thrive off of routine. Try to keep their days as structured and predictable as possible. This makes it easier for them to know when it’s time to lie down, relax, and get some sleep.

Give Them Plenty of Stimulation

If your dog isn’t getting enough exercise and stimulation throughout the day, they’ll have a harder time sleeping well.

Give your dog regular walks throughout the day, and try to include some novelty into their lives (without sacrificing their routine). For example, take them out to the park or other dog friendly places. You can also introduce new toys or chews to help them burn off energy indoors.

Invest in a Better Bed

Your dog also might not be sleeping well because their bed isn’t comfortable. Try a different style of bed, such as an orthopedic bed or memory foam bed, to help them feel at ease when they lie down for a nap.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Now that you know the answers to questions like “How much do dogs sleep” or “How long do dogs sleep?” do you need to make some changes to your dog’s routine? If so, follow the steps above.

Need more help improving your dog’s quality of life? Check out some of the other pet-related articles on our blog today

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